10 Reasons why Professional Translation is Important for your Business

Do you know that a competent translation can be extremley useful to your organization, even it is small or medium size? Although the translation process is sometimes ignored or undervalued due to many people believing it is too costly, there are a variety of reasons why a good professional translator can help your company in […]
Which Languages should I Localize my Website in?

Although translation is involved in localization, the main purpose of localization is to make a product feel as though it was designed specifically for a certain target market. All translations require precise work by specialized translators, but translations involving localization require greater understanding of cultural components and linguistic issues. Other concerns, for example, will not […]
Reasons to Choose One Agency for All Translation Needs

Before you invest in anything, you should always think about minimizing and spreading your risk. It may be hard for a single company to pay particular attention to security, fool-proof reasoning and testing. Perhaps you are thinking to yourself that letting one provider handle everything does not sound very safe. Do not put all the eggs […]
How to Keep and Develop your Language Skills for your Job?

Learning a new language requires a lot of dedication and effort. However, learning a language is not the only challenge, retaining language proficiency and keeping skills up to date is the next major issue, especially if the language is your source of income. Even after achieving fluency, most language learners must continue to discover methods […]
The importance of quality translations for the leisure industry?

The leisure industry is broader than you might think. According to Educalingo: ¨The leisure industry is the segment of business focused on entertainment, recreation, and tourism related products and services¨. Which means that: film, music, media, attractions, cultural events, the night economy, sports, vacations, hospitality, transportation and many more sectors are part of the leisure […]