The History of Translation

The History of Translation is full of mysticism, legends and theories, and there is probably no way to know which one is right. If only The Great Library of Alexandria in Egypt hadn’t burn we might still have a chance to answer this questions, but, as this is also a legend (and there is no […]
The Importance of Translators

As the world is increasing globally, translation is becoming more and more important. Strong communication among different type of industries is key, and the importance of translators is rising. Think about the close relationship between business, media and science, for example. Today’s world is inter-connected and effective translation is essential in all areas. In this […]
How to Master Writing in English

Mastering the English Language is becoming more and more essential as we live in an increasingly globalized world. English is the main communication language in many areas such as business, media, and science. It is crucial to master writing in English in order to understand English as a whole. As such the demand for skilled […]
Faithfulness in Translation

Faithfulness in translation defines how a translated document follows the source and how much it keeps the original message. However, this doesn’t mean the original text must remain as close to the original as it can be. In the past, experimented translators elaborated theories to help define how faithfully should the translation follow the initial […]
Challenges in Translation

Every translator should know that being a translator involves much more than just being bilingual. Being a translator includes the ability to interpret and transcribe a message that adapts the most to a specific target audience while also dealing with the Linguistic and Cultural Challenges in translation. Translation should always happen while keeping the purpose […]