Is a Notarized Document the same as a Certified Document?

Is a notarized document the same as certified?

Usually when a government agency or any other entity demands a copy of a document, they ask for either a notarized or a certified document. As you may know, there are different types of translation documents. The type of translation that is required to use can be based on the content of the document, but […]

Become a Legal Translator: Requirements, Steps and Risks

Become a Legal Translator

How to become a Legal Translator? Be warned. Translating legal documents is not an easy task. Many translators even try to avoid legal translation since it requires a very specific skillset. In addition, translators make a mistake, they can be held liable for the damages. This is the case in all forms of translation, however […]

How to Translate Legal Documents Without Being a Translator

How to Translate Legal Documents Without Being a Translator

Someday in the future, if you didn’t need it so far, you will probably need to have legal documents translated. Whether it will be for personal matters or for professional requirements. Legal document translation is required when two or more languages are involved, and the documents need to be available in both languages. This can […]

Legal Documents Translations Online

Legal documents translations online

When searching for aspects to consider when intending to translate legal documents online, there are several features that should be considered when looking for an online legal document translation service. Depending on the type of documents that is desired to translate, one should look at companies and translation organizations which are certifiably qualified to carry […]

Medical Translations – Requirements, Categories and Examples

Medical translation 2

Medical Translation is one of the most important types of Specialized Translation. Unlike other different types of translations, it focus on subject matter experts to translate the content of medical texts. In medical translation, the language used should be as clear as it can be to avoid possible misunderstanding. Medical translations should not be considered […]