When Do I Need a Birth Certificate Translation Notarized

When it comes to Birth certificate, such an important legal documents, you should know that there are several cases when you not only need to provide a birth certificate translation, but also a notarized birth certificate translation. In the event that you ought to get a report professionally translated, you might be requested to give […]
Machine Translation Vs Human Translation – Risks and Benefits

Translation is an indispensible communication tool for businesses and Governments; it helps smooth flow of communication between companies, with customers, and between countries as well. Translation refers to ‘the communication of a source language text through an equivalent target language text’, according to Wikipedia; in simpler terms, it means changing the language of the original […]
Translation Quality Assessment : Things You Need To Know

According to German linguist and translation studies scholar Julianne House, “translation is the result of a linguistic-textual operation in which a text in one language is re-contextualized in another language.” She goes on to say that this process is impacted significantly by many elements and conditions which are not exactly linguistic in nature – thereby […]
Back Translation – The Complete Guide with Real-Life Examples

When we talk about translation, we refer basically to forward translation – the transfer of a written text from one language (source language) to another (target language); it is an attempt to convey the message that was written in one language into another without changing the original meaning and intention. Translation takes into account the subtle nuances of the language, […]
How to deal with Untranslatable Words

While translating from one language to another, a translator may sometimes come across some words that they cannot find an appropriate alternative for. These are the untranslatable words – and any professional translator’s nightmare. Did you know that there is actually a science that deals explicitly with words and meanings of those words; just think – […]