Top 8 Different Industries that Need Translation Services

Until say 10 years ago, most companies may have thought that they didn’t need translation services, simply because nobody was thinking of going global, and/or because they thought that it was too expensive. However that is not the case today; we are living in the digital age. Thanks to the internet and explosion of ecommerce technologies, even small businesses […]
Certified Translation vs Notarized Translation – Complete Guide
Sometimes when you are requested to provide a document that was not originally written in English, you are oftentimes asked to prove that you used a professional qualified translation service like TranslateDay to translate the document. This type of proof can be obtained either through a Certified Translation or a Notarized Translation. But people still get confused when they are asked […]
Understanding 12 Different Types of Translation

Different types of translations. Understanding 12 different types. Translation is a very fast evolving discipline and its exponential growth is rapidly shaping the Translation Industry. Expert translators here at TranslateDay will explain you in this article what are the twelve most important Different Types Of Translations, including but not limited to: Legal Translation, Literary Translation […]
Translation Vs Localization: Understanding the Difference

In the field of translation, one often hears the term localization. However not everyone really knows what it means. Both the terms are important and even related; yet there is a slight difference between translation and localization. So let us understand both these terms in detail, and get a sense of which term is used […]
Dealing with Translation Feedback

Getting fGetting feedback on your work is always a good thing, regardless of the field you are in. Positive feedback is always great to receive, however dealing with translation feedback can be a bit difficult. It gives you the opportunity to learn from your mistakes and improve, and to know your level of expertise. Positive feedback is always […]