8 Original Ways to Practice English

Learning English is something challenging to do, but practicing it is even more challenging. We need to make sure that anything that we have learned does not go into thin air by practicing it as often as we could. However, sometimes it is not that easy to find the right motivation to keep on applying […]
What is a False Friend? The Complete Guide

Have you ever felt that a word from another language, say, French, Spanish or German, means the same thing as an English word just because they sound similar? Well, sometimes two languages have similarly-sounding words that share the same meaning, like the word ‘police’ in English and ‘polis’ in Malay, which both mean the police. […]
Main Differences Between American and British English

When someone mentions the English language, you likely don’t immediately think about the specific type of English that they are referring to – in fact, you presumably immediately think of the variety of English that you are most accustomed to using. If we consider learning English, we don’t realize which variant of that we’re going […]
How many Different English Dialects are there?
Even though it is impossible to confirm how many different English dialects there are, the exact number of dialects in the English language, it is estimated that over 160 different English dialects exist around the world. And this number is rapidly increasing thanks to the differences in delivery and pronunciation in local cultures around the […]
Growth and Development of English Language through History

Have you ever wondered how English, with its 750,000 or so words and 1.6 billion speakers in every corner of the world – has become such a beautiful, meaningful language? Used as a global language of communication, the many english dialects are scattered throughout the world. Wars that changed English Language through History Unlike languages […]