Before you invest in anything, you should always think about minimizing and spreading your risk. It may be hard for a single company to pay particular attention to security, fool-proof reasoning and testing. Perhaps you are thinking to yourself that letting one provider handle everything does not sound very safe. Do not put all the eggs in one basket, they say. We can all agree that this is correct for many aspects in life. For most of them, actually. However, as we all know, there are no rules that do not include exceptions. In this case, translation companies are an exception.
It makes perfect sense to use the same Translation Company for every professional translation need you may have. To put it another way, you should ONLY need to use one translation company to handle all of your translation needs. The agency you choose must provide you with every single service you may need related to translation. This will then grant the greatest, most efficient, and most secure service. If not, then it is probably the wrong agency you are choosing.

Why is it a good idea to Hire a Translation Company at all?
The translation industry is thriving, which is why so many individuals want to work in it. Professional translation services, on the other hand, differ significantly from those supplied by inexperienced translators. Professional, native translators are vital for businesses looking to reach a wide range of customers since they have the experience and understanding to tailor the translation to the end-user. Translators who are inexperienced commonly make the mistake of translating literally. Professional translators will be able to quickly and accurately translate your work into any language. If these trained specialists know how to do things correctly, the quality and grade of their work is guaranteed.
Hiring a Professional Translation Agency will ensure accuracy is mantained in your translation
Professional, high-quality translation services understand the necessity of preserving the original document’s integrity. Professional translators will ensure that your content includes the keywords that your target markets are searching for. At the same time they have the experience to match the translation to the terminology, tone, and style of the original material. This ensures that the message you want to convey is presented appropriately. You must hire professional translation services if you apply for foreign markets, educational institution, immigration, or any other legal procedure.
5 Reasons to choose only one Translation Company for all of your Translation Needs
You might be thinking that depending solely on a translation service is a bit dangerous. In fact, it is the polar opposite. A single translation firm assures you a professional, well-tested, and safe setting for your translations.
Without further ado, lets explain why hiring a translation agency to handle all of your translation needs is best:
1. Large Multi-Disciplinary Teams
Translators usually specialice in certain types of translation. In order to satisfy every client request, translator companies must have very large teams, versed in multiple disciplines and languages. This is yet another compelling reason to look at closely while choosing a single translation firm for your translation needs.
Project Managers
A translation service should hire project managers who are specialists in completing various types of translation projects. Managers have a clear picture of the required skills for the job, and will analyze your requirements and look for any potential problem. They can pinpoint the translator with the essential skills for your specific assignment. Professional colleagues, each in their own area of specialty, assist the project managers and follow your project from start to end. They are as follows:
- Managers of vendors
- Experts in DTP
- Experts in Information Technology
Multi-disciplinary Team of Translators and Interpreters
A broad network of competent and motivated translators versed in multiple languages guarantee delivery. You should never be concerned that your assignment will be impossible to complete. A competent localization agency will have a pool of translators, specialized in multiple languages and disciplines. If a translation firm does not have a pool of translators with knowledge in your particular industry, they should be able to expand their network with freelance translators to handle your translation need.
2. Save Money Over Time
Let’s take a look at one of the most crucial elements: Money. The price of translations is calculated in a variety of ways by translation companies (also known as Language Service Providers or LSPs for short). One of the most used models is the price-per-word model. The total cost is determined by the number of words in your source document. A scale (also known as a price matrix) with a basic per-word price and some reduced rates. Computed percentage of the basic per-word price on a sliding scale may normally be provided to you.
Translation agencies that did not translate for you before will apply the full basic per-word pricing. When a translation work contains text that can be entirely or partially matched with texts that you previously had translated at the translation agency in question, lower rates may apply.
In other words, you should not pay the full basic per word fee for reusable information – either as a 100 percent match or as a partial match – and you should not be paying the whole basic per word pricing for such a text.
This pricing model implies that by employing the same translation service for all of your translation needs, you can save money over time. When you use the same translation company for all of your projects, you quickly build up a database of translated information that can be reused.
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3. Expert Consultancy Services Customized for you
Who do you prefer to assist you in your bank when you need assistance with your finances? Perhaps you want to hire a newly hired employee because you’d like a fresh set of eyes on your money. Alternatively, you may decide to stick with your regular financial advisor. One who has been assisting you for years and is familiar with your bank’s history.
The same logic applies to your translations. If you want new viewpoints on your projects, if you think it is okay to start new business contacts and develop new partnerships on a regular basis, then exploring multiple translation firms are the way to go. Finding a single regular partner, on the other hand, is a wise decision if you’re looking for skilled guidance targeted for you and your needs. When you form a partnership with a single translation firm, you gain a devoted partner who will listen to your needs and offer suggestions. A partner who understands your processes can examine them critically and can assist you with process optimization and fine-tuning. You must explicitly define and keep to the type of relationship you intend to have with your translation agency.
4. Create your Own Style Along with your Translation Partner
Your writings, as well as your voice style and tone, are all part of your brand. It is extremely possible that it has influenced how certain customers see your business. In your home language, you almost probably have a distinct tone of voice.
A translation memory (or TM) is a database that stores translations. It is a crucial instrument in the translation process. It is essentially a database with all of your past translations. When starting translation tasks, the text is inmmediately matched to the content of the TM. As much matching content will then be reused. It also means that the TM aids in the uniformity of your writing and reduces errors.
If you work in multiple markets your tone of voice should be expressed in the appropriate language. You have your own method of expressing yourself, just as your coworkers have their own. It is crucial to keep in mind that translators have their own distinct personalities. Of course, when using specialized terminology, you can debate if a word is correct or incorrect, but when it comes to tone of voice in a text, it is all about personal opinion. If you send your messages to a number of different translation firms, this might be a problem, especially if your style and tone of voice are essential to you.
5. Building Business Relationships that you can Trust
Switching translation companies frequently will probably provide a poor outcome ,simply because your expectations are not aligned with the client and the abilities required were not known from the beggining. When you choose a fixed partner, on the other hand, you build a close working relationship and mutual understanding, which makes the process go more smoothly.
When you employ a single translation agency for all of your translation needs, you can rest assured that the same translator or small team of translators will translate your texts every time (depending on what you and the translation agency agree on). One or more translators will become experts in your documents, and you can rest assured that the agreed-upon style and tone of voice will be consistent throughout the texts and jobs today and tomorrow. Stop shopping around if uniformity is crucial to you.