The importance of Patent Translation Services

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Globalization creates opportunities in a modern word. A company that has succeed in its national market is likely to expand abroad. The market is gigantic, but human creativity knows no boundaries and we are always inventing new things. Nowadays, medicine is so advanced that new medicines are created on a daily basis. It is very similar in other industries such as biotech or IT. Usually these new inventions hold great potential for generating income and helping the world. In order to benefit fully from this potential, we should launch them globally through a strategy in which effective medical translation is the main focus..  

It is generally a complicated process but there is one aspect of it that’s particularly important, which has to be done carefully and accurately. It is patent translation services. As we know a patent protects industrial and intellectual property of the inventor, giving him the exclusive right to sell the invention. Negligence of this matter might limit or even eliminate our success chance in the global market. It should be everyone’s goal to translate their patents properly, so they are protected in international markets.     

Patent Translation Services

Let´s assume for example that you have a British patent but want to expand into German market. Your British patent won’t be valid there. Therefore, you would need to apply for patent in Germany, a patent that is written in German. In order to avoid some really bad consequences that a poorly translated patent can bring to your company performance, you should hire a highly experienced and skilled translator. Patents are complex, technical documents, written in professional language full of specific vocabulary of an industry and one should only hire company with a great experience in patent translation.

Why is International Patent Translation so difficult?

As mentioned before patents are very complex and detailed technical documents. Even a small mistake made during translating their content can have some bad consequences. International patent translation patent translation is challenging and very different from the regular one.

Normal translation, also known as Free Translation or Dynamic Translation, is all about preserving message in a way that sounds naturally in another language. Direct translation, also known as Literal Translation, would often sound unnaturally so the translators tends to pay attention to the sense of translated text instead of translating it word by word.

Due to its nature as a legal, highly technical document it is impossible to do the same with a patent. Every single word has to be directly translated, which is very challenging. A translator fit to such a challenge would need to have absolutely perfect knowledge of the language and of all industry related vocabulary. Certified patent translators are in most cases native speakers specialized in specific industries like medicine or biotechnology.

Patent translation importance in the times of Pandemic

The work of patent translators is especially important nowadays in the globalization era. Big flow of people creates danger of new diseases such as COVID-19 pandemic. In this case it is crucial to develop a vaccine or cure as fast as possible in order to gain control over the virus. Spreading the vaccine worldwide would require work of many patent translators. These skilled specialists can translate medical and legal documents quickly and accurately, allowing us to spread vaccines worldwide and fight off the virus.

translate medical documents

Strategies you can use while entering Global Markets

If you have a great product that will surely be desired worldwide, such us vaccine for example, you should use tactics that will reduce costs of the translation. Maybe you would like to expand your business into new region? You can reduce your costs, covering market that speak in one language. If you would translate your patent into Arabic, you can cover the whole Gulf region. Europe is a good choice as well, thanks to European Patent Convention which currently have 38 members and accepts applications in 3 languages: English, German and French. With a single application your patent is protected in every member economy. This definitely holds great potential for reducing your expenses, but it is also risky. If you would hire wrong translator which would make some errors in the document, you can lose your patent in all of these countries and in addition have some legal issues in each of them, which will greatly increase your expenses for lawyers, penalties etc.

That is why hiring a professional who knows the challenges and difficulties of translation is so crucial when translating a patent.

What are the consequences of incorrect Patent Translation?

Suposse that you are translating the patent for your newest medicine. This is a very important vaccine that will be used to fight back the latest Coronavirus disease. This patent of course includes the list of ingredients required, plus the method and steps to create the vaccine. A bad translation can indicate a wrong substance or procedure, which can be dangerous for your customers, and a disaster for your company and the whole world.

Keep in mind that a company that decides not to hire a professional is likely to face all of these unpleasant consequences. These are some of the things you might face:

  1. Loss of money
  2. Legal consequences
  3. Idea theft
  4. Increase in expenses
  5. Creation of strong competition
  6. Project relays

As we can see, hiring the wrong translator may cause you, and maybe the wole world, more harm than good.

Not enough? Do you want to know more on the consequences of not hiring a professional translator?

Characteristics of trustworthy and professional translation company

Certified translations

Company should offer certified translations signed by professional document translator.

USCIS approved

Their legal documents translations should be approved and accepted by USCIS, state, federal and local governments.

Public customer experience and feedback

Experience and customer feedback are tips can help you choose the right company.

Be it patent translation or any other demanding and complicated task, in TranslateDay we can handle all of them due to our large number of specialized translators.

Patent translation online with TranslateDay

Being able to properly translate patent documents is one of the most desirable skills in translation industry. There is no doubt that patent translation is one of the most demanding fields of translation. In TranslateDay we stand out from the crowd and offer you highest quality and expertise, in which you can trust.

All of our translations are Certified Translations and signed by a Professional Document Translator. Each of our Legal Document Translation is accepted and approved by USCIS. We have a lot of experience, being significant benchmark in the industry for 12 years, translating to 12 major languages and having translated more than 60 000 documents. Our team of translators is skilled, professional and carefully selected to meet industry standards. Our services are easily accessible online, affordable, fast and always of the best quality possible.

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